Welcome to 'Acting Justly' - the Edmund Rice International course to raise awareness about more effective global action for justice

If you have already registered, and logged in with your username and password or you just want to browse the course material click on the course name 'Acting Justly'  (at top left) to begin.
If you would like to know more about the course and how to enrol, read on.

This course is open to anyone.

Aims of the course

Within the broader purpose of contributing to the building of a more just and sustainable world where all enjoy dignity, equality and freedom, the general aim of the course is to:-

• assist in developing an “advocacy” mindset to complement the “service” or “charity” mindset within the Edmund Rice Network.

• promote a greater understanding of the work of Edmund Rice International.

• promote a deeper understanding and appreciation of the Catholic Social Justice tradition and understanding of the ideals and work of the United Nations and of the contribution both can make to the building of a more just world.

The course is open to anyone and there is no charge for participating but to access it you will need to register.

Email me at
bpbond@edmundrice.org indicating your preferred username (all lowercase with no spaces), the name of the town or city and the country where you live and you will then be issued with a password which will enable you full access to the course materials.

Brian Bond cfc

© edmund rice international 2008